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Art & Engineering

The interrelationship of art & engineering is less often used than art & culture. Culture as a refined way of life is an intellectual and artistic sign of life developed from education. Knowledge and experience, combined with the rational findings of the natural sciences, lead to engineering whose products man himself utilizes for his needs of civilization, for his refined way of life. The internet is not only a fast communication system between two places but it makes it possible to represent knowledge and information and to collect scattered knowledge as information in a short period of time. Furthermore the internet permits the presentation of crafts of the fine arts. Thus the Internet can be used for the satisfaction of our needs of civilization. In this connection art & engineering do not stand in contradiction! Each of the expressions "art" and "engineering" impart another field of tension. If you, from my point of view, want to play a little with art & engineering, simply surf through the following pages of my private homepage. If you want to study some quotes about Art & Engineering or if you like to know something about Artists & Engineers from my point of view, you should click on one of these links !

Niki de Saint Phalle, Le Banc, 1989
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